Honey, as Natural as It Can Be

The bees fly through fields and forests to sip up the nectar from millions of different flowers. after which they mix the nectar with their own substances and start to produce honey. Money is an especially great source of nutrients as it contains components that can no longer be found in today’s heavily processed foods.

The nectar, is full of vitamins, minerals, macro-and micronutrients as well as with the flowers’ wonderful aromas. These and the nutritious components from the bees, such as amino acids, enzymes and bioactive substances give honey its antibiotic nature. The bees store this liquid nectar-mixture in the honeycomb cells, then fan it with their wings to dehydrate it and turn it into honey.

Surprisingly, the bees do not produce honey for our pleasure, but store it to have something to eat in wintertime. Fortunately, when Spring comes – especially during the blossoming of acacia trees – the flowers provide so much nectar that the bees can store up again for the upcoming year.

We only take about 20% of their honey during a season, but in exchange, we keep them in a pleasant environment, in excellent hives, we protect them from diseases and nourish them. Due to the change in environment and climate, the bees depend more and more on the help of beekeepers, as do we on them pollinating the flowers!

There are many kinds of honeys, thanks to the different foraging habits of the bees. There are plants that provide so abundant nectar that during their blossoming, the bees visit only them. This is how we get the so-called monofloral-honeys, such as acacia-, milkweed- or linden honey. Before these special flowerings, the beekeepers take away the previously collected honey, so by the end of the flowering, only the pure, monofloral honey remains in the hives. In the intermediate periods, the bees forage from thousands of different flowers. This diversity gives the characteristic, rich taste of honeys like flower- or forest honey.

Honeys, just as wines are determined by their “terroir”. This is why the taste of Greek pine is distinctively different from those of the Carpathians. AOther great examples are the differences between the French and the Spanish heather honey and between our Hungarian acacia honey and the French one.Our mission is to introduce an interesting variety of authentic European honeys to our customers.

Following the simile of wine and honey, it is also interesting that honeys can be blended just as wines. We often practice this, since by blending two individually great honeys, sometimes an even more special taste is born. We call them “European Selection”.

Fulmer Apiary
H-2336 Dunavarsány, Vörösmarty Str. 2438